Sakura at Meguro River, Japan

Sakura at Meguro River, Japan
Cr. to Danny Choo

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

FIFA World Cup

Give me freedom, give me fire, give me reason, take me higher
See the champions, take the field now, you define us, make us feel proud
In the streets are, exaliftin , as we lose our inhabition,
Celebration its around us, every nation, all around us .........

Is this familiar to you? If not, it's just that you don't know the lyrics, not that you haven't heard of this song before. Well, this is the 2010 FIFA World Cup theme song after all. You must have heard it before, even if it's just a few lines ( that's me..haha). While watching television, tuning in the radio, sometimes even in the shopping mall, you could hear it. Honestly, I can't get what the lyrics are by just listening to it, only when I'm looking at the lyrics can I understand it. I even once thought that it is in the African language..XP

Enough of the song, let's talk about the games instead. I'm not a big fan of football aka soccer, but I do enjoy watching it. The first FIFA game I've watched was the ENG v. USA . I even stayed up till 2am to watch it ( which ended at about 4.30am >.<) Frankly, I just wanted to watch Beckham play. hehe....One, of course is because of his LOOKS...haha.. Second, is that I've never watched him play and wanted to watch his famous kick( I don't know the name XP) and guess what! We were both born on the same date! May 2nd!! hahahahahahahahaha....... ^^ Oh well, too bad he couldn't play due to his injuries, but I do hope he'll recover soon and get to play again. ^^

After this game, I've watched a few other games too, but the the most memorable one is the PROTUGAL vs. NORTH KOREA. Cristiano Ronaldo!!! hahaha...just watching him play made me laughed, he's soooooooo cute! Even though he was not able to get a goal, he always assisted his teammates. What makes me laughed is that he's always smiling..haha... whether his team is able to goal or not, he'll smile..showing his perfect white teeth ( aww....XD). However, the funniest of all is the sixth goal Portugal scored. That goal was absolutely funny! I'm not a good describer so I'll just share the video here. LOL Even he himself couldn't believe it...." I smiled when I scored because it was a funny goal, the way it hit me on the neck." haha.... (loves his smile..... hehehehehehehehehee........)

Cristiano <span class=

Ok! Before I realised it, this has became really long..haha...hope you enjoy reading this and the games too!! See ya! ^^


  1. testing....someone said can't comment... =.=

  2. =.='' wat the...XD
    anyway i edi promise u 2 comment...
    so i comment now lor...=PPP
    i wan 2 watch the match of portugal vs brazil!!
    u make me start 2 like ronaldo liao..
    he's so damn cute le!!! XD
    the way he smiles...XD
    too bad i missed the match of portugal vs north korea...
    but nvm...i can watch at home liao!!!XD

  3. LOL!!! me too!!! tonight 9.30pm....hehehe.... yippy!! RONALDO!!! he's really SUPER CUTE!!!!! XD hahaha.... become his fans liao....XD ask your father record them la... haha XD soooooo excited!!

  4. lolx~~ in the end is a draw...=.=''
    dun get too obsessed bout him k?? XD

  5. ya...draw...haiz... i'll try la....XD y so sked i'm obsessed?? hehe

  6. dunno~~ the feeling tat u vil be obsessed bout him...XD
