Sakura at Meguro River, Japan

Sakura at Meguro River, Japan
Cr. to Danny Choo

Friday, June 04, 2010


It's been a while since I last updated my blog. It's not like I was busy, it's just laziness. :P Anyway, I just thought of coming up here and write a little something.
June, I believe it's a month most students dislike and yet looking forward to. Reason? It's the month where every student will have to crack their head, say bye bye to their entertainment ( not really I think, many still go to facebook it seems, and so do I :P ), and stick their faces to the book and STUDY. It's exam period! Who would like exams? Yet, we have no choice but to take them as they practically determine our future especially for us the college and uni students.
Then, why did I say it's a month we'll be looking forward to? Easy. 'Cause after'll be holidays and sem breaks!! wahahahaha...we can finally relax ourselves!! Also, it's time for pals and buddies to get together and chill out and I treasure those times dearly. :)
June, seems like a month that is very interesting as we have tension, stress and yet happiness and joy. Enjoy your month of June!!


  1. hahaha...=D
    u r absolutely right about june...XD

  2. proud!! I initially intended to write bout exams..but after I started writing for a few lines I realised I can write bout 'June' cause 'exam' is quite a common topic la....hahaha XP

  3. HAHAHAHAHA~~ icic~~ but now im FACE-BOOK-ING wo~~ im facing the book...XDDD but in the mean time FACEBBOOK-ing...XD die liao liao lor...XD

  4. Great one, chia. So enjoy JUNE to your heart's contents and I see back in July...for another round to delightful DEC. Haha.

    Madam Cheah
