Fate's Station
Friday, May 10, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
從小, 我們就被灌輸尊師重道, 尊敬父母, 長輩的道理. 可是, 尊敬真正的意義是什麽卻至今都還無法理解.或許你會說不過一個二十二歲的小女孩,懂什麽. 但是,我相信,我比許多同齡人都還要明白尊敬他人和被尊敬的重要性. 當然, 我並不能說我有多深的體會, 我只是希望把我自身的體驗和感想分享給你.
對於我而言, 應受到尊敬的人並不限制于長輩而已,還有同輩或後輩,甚至是小孩. 或許我是錯的,但是我發現從來只有後輩尊敬長輩, 卻沒有長輩尊敬後輩. 爲什麽呢? 就因為年紀比較小,後輩們就沒有被人尊敬的理由了嗎? 那麼, 長輩們被尊敬的理由除了年紀比較大之外又還有什麽呢?我想, 那才是最重要的因素.
真正的尊敬是打從心裡的, 並不是嘴上說的, 更是不可以被強迫的. 被尊敬的理由有很多, 因人而異. 被尊敬的程度也可以有所不同. 但是, 無論現在你是多麼地被敬重, 要是你不珍惜或不感謝它, 反而覺得是理所當然的, 那麼總有一天, 你將會永遠地失去它. 就算是最親的親人, 也不例外.
以你想被對待的態度對待別人, 但不刻意討好, 更不以牙還牙. 這是我一向待人處事的原則. 我深信人與人之間的感情是互給的. 很多時候, 縱使我再好地對待某人, 他卻不領情, 或覺得那是應該的而不削給予我同等的對待, 那麼不管你是誰, 我都不會再以同樣的態度對待你. 這包括我對人的尊敬. 雖然是後輩, 我還是有自尊心的, 還是需要被他人尊重的. 倘若你仗著是長輩的身份而濫用我對你的尊敬, 強迫我, 貶低我, 傷害我, 就算是最最最親的人, 就算我有多麼地尊敬你, 你都會失去我對你的那份敬意. 到最後, 剩下的就只是那濃於水的血緣關係. 除此之外, 什麽感情都沒有了. 那不是很可悲嗎?
反之, 就算你不認識我, 但你卻很真誠地對待人, 我還是會尊敬你. 就如很多人尊敬名人一樣, 我最近也認識了讓我非常尊敬的一組人. 雖然他們不是什麽大名人, 平均年齡也只大我三歲, 但他們四人卻讓我要以他們為榜樣. 約十一年前, 才不過平均十五歲的國中和高中生爲了追逐夢想, 抱著忐忑的心情離開了家, 一起到另一個縣打拼. 他們不斷地努力, 遇到挫折也永不言棄, 一路向前沖, 沖到了今天的成就. 可是, 最讓我尊敬的隊長卻在最近離隊了. 儘管如此, 所有的人不但沒有責怪他, 反而是不捨和更多的支持. 爲什麽呢? 因為尊敬. 十一年來, 身為隊長的他事事以團隊為先, 處處以粉絲們為主. 明明就是個害羞的人, 卻因為是隊長, 凡事都率先帶領團員們向前進. 就算到了今天, 名氣不斷上升, 他們都還是非常謙虛并時常對一直支持者他們的人表達感謝之意. 他們不擺架子, 謙虛, 以真心對待他人, 就是我尊敬他們最大的原因.
尊敬, 是以行動, 誠心, 而不是因年齡獲得的. 所有人都有被敬重的資格.
對於我而言, 應受到尊敬的人並不限制于長輩而已,還有同輩或後輩,甚至是小孩. 或許我是錯的,但是我發現從來只有後輩尊敬長輩, 卻沒有長輩尊敬後輩. 爲什麽呢? 就因為年紀比較小,後輩們就沒有被人尊敬的理由了嗎? 那麼, 長輩們被尊敬的理由除了年紀比較大之外又還有什麽呢?我想, 那才是最重要的因素.
真正的尊敬是打從心裡的, 並不是嘴上說的, 更是不可以被強迫的. 被尊敬的理由有很多, 因人而異. 被尊敬的程度也可以有所不同. 但是, 無論現在你是多麼地被敬重, 要是你不珍惜或不感謝它, 反而覺得是理所當然的, 那麼總有一天, 你將會永遠地失去它. 就算是最親的親人, 也不例外.
以你想被對待的態度對待別人, 但不刻意討好, 更不以牙還牙. 這是我一向待人處事的原則. 我深信人與人之間的感情是互給的. 很多時候, 縱使我再好地對待某人, 他卻不領情, 或覺得那是應該的而不削給予我同等的對待, 那麼不管你是誰, 我都不會再以同樣的態度對待你. 這包括我對人的尊敬. 雖然是後輩, 我還是有自尊心的, 還是需要被他人尊重的. 倘若你仗著是長輩的身份而濫用我對你的尊敬, 強迫我, 貶低我, 傷害我, 就算是最最最親的人, 就算我有多麼地尊敬你, 你都會失去我對你的那份敬意. 到最後, 剩下的就只是那濃於水的血緣關係. 除此之外, 什麽感情都沒有了. 那不是很可悲嗎?
反之, 就算你不認識我, 但你卻很真誠地對待人, 我還是會尊敬你. 就如很多人尊敬名人一樣, 我最近也認識了讓我非常尊敬的一組人. 雖然他們不是什麽大名人, 平均年齡也只大我三歲, 但他們四人卻讓我要以他們為榜樣. 約十一年前, 才不過平均十五歲的國中和高中生爲了追逐夢想, 抱著忐忑的心情離開了家, 一起到另一個縣打拼. 他們不斷地努力, 遇到挫折也永不言棄, 一路向前沖, 沖到了今天的成就. 可是, 最讓我尊敬的隊長卻在最近離隊了. 儘管如此, 所有的人不但沒有責怪他, 反而是不捨和更多的支持. 爲什麽呢? 因為尊敬. 十一年來, 身為隊長的他事事以團隊為先, 處處以粉絲們為主. 明明就是個害羞的人, 卻因為是隊長, 凡事都率先帶領團員們向前進. 就算到了今天, 名氣不斷上升, 他們都還是非常謙虛并時常對一直支持者他們的人表達感謝之意. 他們不擺架子, 謙虛, 以真心對待他人, 就是我尊敬他們最大的原因.
尊敬, 是以行動, 誠心, 而不是因年齡獲得的. 所有人都有被敬重的資格.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Sakura from Japan
It's that time of Sakura blooming all over Japan again. And again, I can only look at the pictures.. haiz.... But! I'm sure there'll come a day I can see the actual Sakura~~ I'll work hard and pray hard for it...hahaha~~ Anyway, thought I should share some of the beautiful pictures here with you. They are really pretty~~~
So, enjoy!! Hope they'll enlighten your mood for the day~~
Pictures are from
http://www.dannychoo.com/post/en/26494/Japan+Cherry+Blossom+Photos.html should you be looking for more~~
So, enjoy!! Hope they'll enlighten your mood for the day~~
Pictures are from
http://www.dannychoo.com/post/en/26494/Japan+Cherry+Blossom+Photos.html should you be looking for more~~
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Wisdom Tooth??
Ahh~~ it hurts!! It has been 2 or 3 days now. The inner most of my upper gum has been hurting and it's the worst today! I couldn't open my mouth to have my breakfast without hurting. Traced the area with my tongue and feels like it's my wisdom tooth coming out, but I wonder. Should I go to the dentist? Or just leave it for a few more days and see how it goes? I have experienced this before but it only lasted a few days. Maybe I should wait huh......
Anyway, IT HURTS!!! (T___T)
Anyway, IT HURTS!!! (T___T)
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Back in action (?)
Hello everyone! Konnichiwa!! It's been a long long time since I come here, last post was September 2010 @@!! Minna-san ohisashiburi!
A lot has changed in these 2 half years. First, I am going to graduate as an ACCA student this September ( I pray hard for it >< ) and am starting to think of my career and my future. Have my resume ready (CV not just yet) and starting to look for positions availability in the industry. After a little digging around, I found out that it won't be as easy as it used to be to get a job here in Ipoh. Seems that not only the number of accounting students but the graduates who are staying behind in Ipoh has increased over the years as well. Seems like the possibility of me going out to KL is fairly high. It's not certain, so we'll see.
Then, I think I've changed too. Not to say I've changed personality/ character wise, but definitely the mentality aspect. To the better though, so no worries! ^^ How have I changed huh? I think I'm wiser than before? No, not becoming a philosopher kind of wise, but I do think that I have matured a bit. I start to accept things that I've always rejected. Knowing that this is the nature of it, so why not just accept them, and see the good in them rather than torturing yourself by rejecting them while you have to live with it. Accepting others' faults definitely makes live easier :) But of course you can't just blindly accept everything. If it's wrong in the first place, if it harms others, living or not, physically or mentally, then it's wrong. *Sounds so old, maybe I am getting old..... ><
Hmm, what else happened. OH! This I can never miss telling even though as my friends you should already know. I LOVE LEAD!!LEAD DAISUKI DESU!! This is my blog, so at least let me fatt hao here. Blek! So! A brief intro on my favorite LEAD. Members are Nakadoi Hiroki (he's leaving the group end of this month! Sobs~ ) , Taniuchi Shinya ( their otosan..LOL~), Furuya Keita and Kagimoto Akira (my fav..hehe~). Age: 28, 26, 25, 25. For some reasons, they are looking cuter and cuter as they grow. Why ah? I'm constantly reading their blog as you know. They are just adorable~~~ the way they speak, their emoticons are so cute! Japan's emoticons are so different from ours! And they are very sweet too! Always thinking of their fans, asking for the fans' thoughts and also their well-being. They had a party this Friday and the next day they were worried about the fans' muscle pain. Aren't they sweet?? So sweet~~ huhu~~
Alright alright, I'll spare you from my hao-ness * my English is getting less and less proper here. There is another reason why I'm always reading their blog. That's 'cause I've started to learn Japanese. Though I don't know much yet, but reading their blogs definitely help improve my Japanese. Besides, it's fun to read their blogs and I get to learn new words, so why not? Still waiting for my study material from a certain someone. When will you come back????
Back to the topic. What else have changed? Hmm... My cousin Raymond from Australia got engaged!! Congrats!! I like his fiancee, Amy, very cheerful and friendly. Bought me a new blouse from Padini, treated me and my mum Chatime, Wendy's and many more! Hahaha~ Went climbing Bukit Kledang twice with them and I think I like it too...let's go climb it together someday!
And then err, looked at my pictures from a few years back. Don't think my appearance changed much, besides my teeth. Looked at my friends' as well and I think they've changed so much! They looked more mature and their styles changed too! From long hair to short, short to long, black to brown, straightened, etc etc. And their apparels too...we used to just wear t-shirts and shorts but some of them are actually following the trend. They still wear t-shirts and shorts a lot but at least they've started to be more in-trend while I'm still t-shirts and shorts all the way~~~~~~ Oh well, maybe when I'm finally getting to work, I'll be more aware of the trends :/
OKAY! This is getting long. I should just list out what else happened. Well, my mum fell down at Mydin's travelator and suffered femur fracture. Operated and is now walking like normal. I'm still running errands all around town as usual. And! I miss my friends!! Please fast fast come back~~~
Lastly, can't forget 311 Japan's earthquake/ tsunami. That was horrible. Read Danny Choo's *another blog I'm reading a lot as you may already know, he went to the towns which are worst hit by the tsunami and covered a few posts on it. Saw the pictures, they totally get to me. Everything was terribly damaged. Houses collapsed to their sides, some burned, some wrecked; ships and boats a few km on shore; people lost their home and some even lost their families and friends. It was heart breaking to see it even just through photos. Despite all that, the Japanese are now back on their feet, still working hard on the restoration but they are together as one. Gotta love their spirit, they never give up! Ganbarou!!
OKAY AGAIN! This time I'm really stopping babbling here. See ya~~~ Until my next update! *Phew!
A lot has changed in these 2 half years. First, I am going to graduate as an ACCA student this September ( I pray hard for it >< ) and am starting to think of my career and my future. Have my resume ready (CV not just yet) and starting to look for positions availability in the industry. After a little digging around, I found out that it won't be as easy as it used to be to get a job here in Ipoh. Seems that not only the number of accounting students but the graduates who are staying behind in Ipoh has increased over the years as well. Seems like the possibility of me going out to KL is fairly high. It's not certain, so we'll see.
Then, I think I've changed too. Not to say I've changed personality/ character wise, but definitely the mentality aspect. To the better though, so no worries! ^^ How have I changed huh? I think I'm wiser than before? No, not becoming a philosopher kind of wise, but I do think that I have matured a bit. I start to accept things that I've always rejected. Knowing that this is the nature of it, so why not just accept them, and see the good in them rather than torturing yourself by rejecting them while you have to live with it. Accepting others' faults definitely makes live easier :) But of course you can't just blindly accept everything. If it's wrong in the first place, if it harms others, living or not, physically or mentally, then it's wrong. *Sounds so old, maybe I am getting old..... ><
Hmm, what else happened. OH! This I can never miss telling even though as my friends you should already know. I LOVE LEAD!!LEAD DAISUKI DESU!! This is my blog, so at least let me fatt hao here. Blek! So! A brief intro on my favorite LEAD. Members are Nakadoi Hiroki (he's leaving the group end of this month! Sobs~ ) , Taniuchi Shinya ( their otosan..LOL~), Furuya Keita and Kagimoto Akira (my fav..hehe~). Age: 28, 26, 25, 25. For some reasons, they are looking cuter and cuter as they grow. Why ah? I'm constantly reading their blog as you know. They are just adorable~~~ the way they speak, their emoticons are so cute! Japan's emoticons are so different from ours! And they are very sweet too! Always thinking of their fans, asking for the fans' thoughts and also their well-being. They had a party this Friday and the next day they were worried about the fans' muscle pain. Aren't they sweet?? So sweet~~ huhu~~
Alright alright, I'll spare you from my hao-ness * my English is getting less and less proper here. There is another reason why I'm always reading their blog. That's 'cause I've started to learn Japanese. Though I don't know much yet, but reading their blogs definitely help improve my Japanese. Besides, it's fun to read their blogs and I get to learn new words, so why not? Still waiting for my study material from a certain someone. When will you come back????
Back to the topic. What else have changed? Hmm... My cousin Raymond from Australia got engaged!! Congrats!! I like his fiancee, Amy, very cheerful and friendly. Bought me a new blouse from Padini, treated me and my mum Chatime, Wendy's and many more! Hahaha~ Went climbing Bukit Kledang twice with them and I think I like it too...let's go climb it together someday!
And then err, looked at my pictures from a few years back. Don't think my appearance changed much, besides my teeth. Looked at my friends' as well and I think they've changed so much! They looked more mature and their styles changed too! From long hair to short, short to long, black to brown, straightened, etc etc. And their apparels too...we used to just wear t-shirts and shorts but some of them are actually following the trend. They still wear t-shirts and shorts a lot but at least they've started to be more in-trend while I'm still t-shirts and shorts all the way~~~~~~ Oh well, maybe when I'm finally getting to work, I'll be more aware of the trends :/
OKAY! This is getting long. I should just list out what else happened. Well, my mum fell down at Mydin's travelator and suffered femur fracture. Operated and is now walking like normal. I'm still running errands all around town as usual. And! I miss my friends!! Please fast fast come back~~~
Lastly, can't forget 311 Japan's earthquake/ tsunami. That was horrible. Read Danny Choo's *another blog I'm reading a lot as you may already know, he went to the towns which are worst hit by the tsunami and covered a few posts on it. Saw the pictures, they totally get to me. Everything was terribly damaged. Houses collapsed to their sides, some burned, some wrecked; ships and boats a few km on shore; people lost their home and some even lost their families and friends. It was heart breaking to see it even just through photos. Despite all that, the Japanese are now back on their feet, still working hard on the restoration but they are together as one. Gotta love their spirit, they never give up! Ganbarou!!
OKAY AGAIN! This time I'm really stopping babbling here. See ya~~~ Until my next update! *Phew!
Monday, September 13, 2010
The Expendables

At first sight, I thought it is a typical dull, dark action movie with all the killings and tortures and so on. Only thing is that this movie has more muscle guys than any other movies (XD ). However, a newspaper article changed my mind, made me wanting to watch this movie and so I did. I went with my cousin who wanted to watch it as well and brought along my family( all female except my cousin...hahaha...).
As soon as the movie begins, I felt darkness. Pirates, hostages, guns and tortures. When our tough guys made their appearance, it felt like a SWAT team of 6..hahaha..They are all well dressed by means of proper bulletproof vests, caps ( or something like that..don't know what it's called), heavy firearms, night goggles and so on. You can definitely tell that these are the pro s.
As expected, not long after they tried to negotiate, bullets started to fly around with my heart beating hard along with the shooting sounds. It did not take long for the team of 6 to take down the pirates almost twice of them or maybe more. Greatest thing of all is that even though they shoot fast ( super fast ), they did not even harmed the hostages they were to rescue. Their aiming is really something. ( admire...XD ). Then, something unexpected happened. Suddenly there was a faint buzzing sound and it was actually a text (SMS). LOL. In the middle of the mission getting a text!! Really superb!! XD
This is the reason why I wanted to watch this action, thriller movie. ( A lot of bullets flying around, explosives, bodies, hands chopped off...If you are afraid of these kind of scenes, better don't watch it.) There are actually humors in it. I really like to watch how the tough guys give in a sense of humor. It somehow makes me feels like they are just like us, just humans. I can also feel their friendship, their bond with each other and enjoying doing things for each other. They teased, they laughed, they get together just like any of us which make me feel warm. hehe...
My favorite character would be Ying Yang, starred by Jet Li. He is the smallest and the best at kung fu ( of course!). His character is interesting too. Ying Yang is always teased being the small guy and he is obviously not flattered 'bout it. Who would? XD Funniest of all is that he is always babbling about getting more money. "I want more money." is what I can remember the most.XD The excuses he made for why he want more money are absolutely funny too! Basically it evolves him being small. LOL. Besides that, I think Jet Li has some kind of an attraction. Look at the poster above, he might be the smallest, but he has the imposing manner that does not lose to any of the big guys. My eyes always fall on him every time I look at the poster.
Here are some fun quotes from the movie. Hope you enjoy them! I know you will. XD
Barney Ross: [from trailer]
[in the middle of a mexican standoff, a faint buzzing sound can be heard]
Barney Ross: What's that?
Lee Christmas: I'm getting a text.
Barney Ross: Excuse me?
[in the middle of a mexican standoff, a faint buzzing sound can be heard]
Barney Ross: What's that?
Lee Christmas: I'm getting a text.
Barney Ross: Excuse me?
(imagine them holding the firearms pointing at the pirates and saying that he's getting a text with a straight face...lol)
Trench: Well, I'm busy right now. So give this job to my friend here. He loves playing in the jungle, right?
Barney Ross: [sarcastically] Right.
Mr. Church: [Uncertain] That's right.
Trench: [to Barney] Hey, how about dinner?
Barney Ross: Yeah, when?
Trench: In a thousand years?
Barney Ross: Too soon.
[Trench walks off]
Mr. Church: [Confused; about Trench] What's his fucking problem?
Barney Ross: He wants to be president.
Barney Ross: [sarcastically] Right.
Mr. Church: [Uncertain] That's right.
Trench: [to Barney] Hey, how about dinner?
Barney Ross: Yeah, when?
Trench: In a thousand years?
Barney Ross: Too soon.
[Trench walks off]
Mr. Church: [Confused; about Trench] What's his fucking problem?
Barney Ross: He wants to be president.
Trench: [from trailer] Only an idiot would do this job.
Barney Ross: How much?
Trench: Like I said.
Barney Ross: How much?
Trench: Like I said.
Trench: Have you been sick? You've lost weight.
Barney Ross: Whatever I've lost you've found, pal.
Barney Ross: Whatever I've lost you've found, pal.
Gunnar Jensen: [about to fight Ying Yang] What do you wear, size 3? Bring it, "happy feet"!
( happy feet the penguin!! XD)
Hale Caesar: [from trailer] Great, they got a small army. What have we got?
[looks at Yin Yang]
Hale Caesar: Four and a half men.
[Everyone but Yin Yang laughs]
Yin Yang: Not so funny.
[looks at Yin Yang]
Hale Caesar: Four and a half men.
[Everyone but Yin Yang laughs]
Yin Yang: Not so funny.
Hale Caesar: [Yang is all shaken up from his fight with Gunnar] What happened to you?
Yin Yang: It's too sad to talk about.
Yin Yang: It's too sad to talk about.
Yin Yang: I need a raise.
Barney Ross: Say what?
Yin Yang: I want it for my son.
Lee Christmas: Since when did Yin Yang get a family?
Yin Yang: [Deadpan] You don't ask, I don't tell. ( he doesn't really has one...hahaha)
Barney Ross: Say what?
Yin Yang: I want it for my son.
Lee Christmas: Since when did Yin Yang get a family?
Yin Yang: [Deadpan] You don't ask, I don't tell. ( he doesn't really has one...hahaha)
Yin Yang: It's difficult.
Barney Ross: What?
Yin Yang: My life is difficult. I need more money.
Barney Ross: Why that?
Yin Yang: I work harder than the rest.
Barney Ross: No, you don't.
Yin Yang: Yes, I do! Everything is harder for me. When I'm hurt, wound is bigger, 'cause I'm smaller. When I travel I need to go farther.
Barney Ross: I know, because you're smaller, right?
Yin Yang: Yes.
Yin Yang: I need more money.
Barney Ross: I know, you told me.
Barney Ross: What?
Yin Yang: My life is difficult. I need more money.
Barney Ross: Why that?
Yin Yang: I work harder than the rest.
Barney Ross: No, you don't.
Yin Yang: Yes, I do! Everything is harder for me. When I'm hurt, wound is bigger, 'cause I'm smaller. When I travel I need to go farther.
Barney Ross: I know, because you're smaller, right?
Yin Yang: Yes.
Yin Yang: I need more money.
Barney Ross: I know, you told me.
( LOL!!!!!!!!!! What kind of a lame reasons are those!!! XD)
Barney Ross: [In the middle of a car chase] Get out there!
Yin Yang: Why me?
Barney Ross: Because you're smaller!
Yin Yang: Why me?
Barney Ross: Because you're smaller!
( whoops...backfired!! XD)
Sandra: What's your name?
Lee Christmas: [points to himself] Buda...
Lee Christmas: [points to Barney] ... Pest
Sandra: Come with me.
[walks away]
Barney Ross: [slowly turns to Lee; deadpan] Budapest...
Lee Christmas: [points to himself] Buda...
Lee Christmas: [points to Barney] ... Pest
Sandra: Come with me.
[walks away]
Barney Ross: [slowly turns to Lee; deadpan] Budapest...
Barney Ross: What the hell's he doing?
Lee Christmas: Hanging a pirate.
Barney Ross: Don't be ridiculous. Gunnar! What are you doing?
Gunnar Jensen: Hanging a pirate.
Toll Road: That's seriously demented.
Lee Christmas: Hanging a pirate.
Barney Ross: Don't be ridiculous. Gunnar! What are you doing?
Gunnar Jensen: Hanging a pirate.
Toll Road: That's seriously demented.
Lee Christmas: [from trailer] Are you crazy? You could've killed me! ( he's bald....lol)
Barney Ross: You're welcome!
Barney Ross: You're welcome!
Gunnar Jensen: Warning shot!
Barney Ross: Gunnar don't!
Gunnar Jensen: [Fires RPG at the pirate and blows him in half] Whoops! Aimed a little low. ( eww...you can actually see the body blown into half..)
Barney Ross: Gunnar don't!
Gunnar Jensen: [Fires RPG at the pirate and blows him in half] Whoops! Aimed a little low. ( eww...you can actually see the body blown into half..)
Yin Yang: [after getting cornered by Garza's men; referring to Barney's ring] Your lucky ring stinks.
Lee Christmas: What's he sayin'?
Hale Caesar: He said we're dead, with an accent!
Hale Caesar: He said we're dead, with an accent!
Lee Christmas: [after beating up Lacy's abusive boyfriend and his friends at a basketball rink; and after deflating a basketball with a knife on his chest] Next time, I'll deflate all your balls, friend. ( wuuuuuu~~ XD)
Gunnar Jensen: [Barney has just shot Gunnar after nearly killing Yang] You shot me.
Barney Ross: You were gonna kill him.
Gunnar Jensen: I was only trying to scare him.
Barney Ross: Don't put that on me, you never really liked him.
Gunnar Jensen: [Gasping] Hey, am I dying?
Barney Ross: Shot three inches above the heart.
Gunnar Jensen: [Groans] I'll take that as a yes. ( no...he didn't die...=.= )
Barney Ross: You were gonna kill him.
Gunnar Jensen: I was only trying to scare him.
Barney Ross: Don't put that on me, you never really liked him.
Gunnar Jensen: [Gasping] Hey, am I dying?
Barney Ross: Shot three inches above the heart.
Gunnar Jensen: [Groans] I'll take that as a yes. ( no...he didn't die...=.= )
Friday, September 10, 2010
The Shopaholic Me...
Shopaholic....maybe I'm yet to be at that level but nothing better. As I grew, I find myself loving to shop more and more. It doesn't matter to me whether I'm buying or even has anything to buy, I just like to walk into the shops and at least look around. Only when I'm not alone will I try out the stuffs..>.<>
I think I like shoes. Every time I passed by a shoes shop, I'll definitely have an urge to go in and try everything out, especially the cool trendy ones, they're just too great!! ( and so as the price XD ). As for clothings, I'm actually fine with it. Of course I like trendy clothes, but I just don't really know how to appreciate certain trends..haha... Besides, I've been looking the way I am now for like 8 or 9 yrs?? Just can't make myself to change too much, too soon, gotta do it s~l~o~w~l~y~ hahaha..
Sometimes I just envy those who just has the money to buy whatever they want without even needing to worry. [See it, hmm....quite nice ah...., tried it,hmm.....looks good on me, feels good too....OK. Salesgirl, I'm taking this.] Ahh...how I wish I could be like that too.....XD That would be years from now or maybe never... >.<>
Ahh....what I've just said are merely just day dreams of mine....if only I am a celebrity or something....XD ( continue to dream . . . . )
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Miss you...
Can't believe we've been separated for 7months. In these 7months, I've experienced a lot with my new friends. However, no matter how much time I spend with them, I always remember the times we've been through together. I miss you.
Through thick and through thin, you have always been supporting me and cheering for me. Even when you were clueless on what I was upsetting upon and no idea how to comfort me, you were there, by my side, quiet and worried. Sometimes you will try your hardest to comfort me. Even though those words were silly, they made me felt better and stopped my tears. You had no idea, those words are what made me keep walking towards the future, by my two own legs, firm and steady, with confident and pride.
You are the craziest, and the happiest I have ever met. Being with you enlightens my day and my life. Everyday you made me smile and laugh till my jaw is tired, till I shed my tears, till I lost my voice. Every time, every moment I'm with you, I felt blessed, blessed to have you entered my life and prayed you will never walk out.
I am a human, a girl with flaws. Thank you. Thank you for being with me all these times. Thank you for your patience, for your tolerance and for your understanding. I can never repay but to give my all to treat you the same way you have treated me, with love. I am not a person who can express her feelings well. I hope you can feel the love, take it and keep it. I will be pleased.
I just want you to know, I LOVE YOU. My dear "family".
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
A Terrible Incident
3rd August 2010, 22:00 In my room (downstairs)
I was on Facebook when I suddenly heard a weird voice followed by a car horning and my dog barking. I tried to ignore it but curiosity took over me. Worrying that something might have happened, I went out to the door. I saw a car and a motorbike at the left side of my house. The trees blocked my sight and I was only able to see the back of the car while the motorbike was on the ground.
It happened so fast. One second I heard a loud motorbike engine sound and the next second I saw a guy fleeing on the motorbike I saw. Only then I realised, it's a robbery!! That weird sound was a lady's scream! The car horns were to attract people's attention and tried to scare the robber away!
A car and a motorbike passed by and I presume they saw the incident too. The 2 passengers on the bike went over to that poor lady and I heard her starting to cry. 1 of them ran up the streets and came back ( not sure what he was trying to do) and the other stayed by the poor lady.
Since my grandmother doesn't allow us to go to the front, I went back into my room and wrote on Facebook. A little after 5 past 10pm, I went out again and they are gone. Perhaps they went to report to the police.
Seeing the incident really alarmed me. People these days can do whatever it takes to succeed even on robbery. It surprises me that someone who is on the road, in the car can be robbed too. My father said that robber pretended to be knocked down by the lady's car and thus they have to stopped by the road side. When the lady came down to check things out, he took the chance and robbed her. Such tactics! ( thought the level of truth is uncertain 'cause my father is pretty good at "making up stories"..but this time it seems logical though.. that's the only way that robber could get to that poor lady.. :(
Well, I hope that everyone will be even more careful and alarmed whenever you are out alone and even with accompanists. As I said, people these days are too savage and it doesn't matter if you are alone or NOT! So everyone, please always be alarmed especially if something smells wrong or fishy! BE SAFE!!
May that lady be unharmed.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
My old pals.....
For the past month, I have been sending messages like "Hey XXX! When will you be back to Ipoh???Miss you....XD" or "Welcome back to Ipoh!! Want go sing k or watch movie?? XD" bla bla bla. haha..Either that or receiving messages like "Ah ma/Ah po!!! I when when when will finish exam!! When when when will be back..let's go gai gai!!" ( that's not exactly the way we said it..but the meaning is similar...I changed the sentences a little because the grammar we used is horrible to be posted here...hehe..). Therefore, for the past month ( even now), I have been busy replying or sending messages and planning for outings..haha..
Now that I look back, I think I like mid-year around June and July. Friends will be back from the far away Sarawak, a bit further is Singapore, even further the Australia. (=.=) So how can I not like this period of time?? However, it's a pity that this time the 5 of us aren't able to gather. Those from the Singapore and those from Sarawak and Australia have to miss one another, though I am able to meet everyone.^^ Advantage of staying in Ipoh! XD
Time flies. It's already our second year of college/ universiti. Meaning we have not been studying together for two long years. Even so, I'm glad to say that we have not change despite of enrolling ourselves in a new environment and meeting new friends. Though we have not been seeing one another for months, I'm surprise that we can keep on chatting non-stop as soon as we meet as if we have never been separated! hahaha....amazing......XD I guess I have to thank the technology for that. Without SMS, MSN and Facebook that allow us to keep connecting with one another, I don't think our friendship will be able to be the same as before.
Lastly, I truly hoped that our friendship will last till eternity ( a bit err...XD) and we'll never forget anyone of us.
Family Forever!! Love you all!!! ^^
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